Thursday 20 June 2019

A visit to Guru Hanuman Akhara, Delhi

I was in Delhi and I visited to a famous akhara of india. It's the heaven of wrestlers
. This akhara name is Guru Hanuman akhara, which is situated at Guru Hanuman Road,  Shakti Nagar Delhi.
I reached at there with my good friend Somdutt Sharma And Anuj Vashishth who are lover of indian traditional sports, both are from Haryana.

We reached at  there Around 2pm and it was the time of rest for wrestler but I was from Varanasi and it was my last staying day so I requested to a senior wrestler to see only the akhara around and he invited to enter to us inside of their rest-hall in which about 60-70 handsome and young wrestler were taking rest. Because I was from Varanasi so a senior wrestler introduced about Neeraj to us who is also from Varanasi.

In an interview with wrestler Neeraj talks about sports, wrestling, his personal life and ambitions.
Here is a few questions which I asked to him.

Me: Tell me something about your initial days, how do you see your journey so far?

Neeraj: I had a very humble beginning. We belong to a wrestler family and my Father is a wrestling coach in Gaya Seth Akhara name wrestler Foolchand So it was tough initially. Today I try very hard to get a best performance.

Me: Does your family support you initially or you took wrestling because of some inspiration?

Neeraj: As I said, we have a very humble beginning. Here I would like to mention my guru, my role model -- My father Mr. Foolchand. He is the man behind my success.

Me: What about training your schedule. How do you train yourself and keep yourself fit ?

Neeraj: I wake up at 4 a.m. in the morning. I exercise and train with my colleagues and Gurus till 8 a.m. About fitness, I train a lot and as I belong to a wrestler’s family, we do not take tea, coffee or alcohol. Rather we rely on milk, ghee, nuts, green vegetables, it keeps you fit and young.

Me: What is your take on wrestling in India?
Neeraj: The position of wrestling was not that good initially. But after Sushil Kumar achievement in Beijing Olympics and Commonwealth Games, it has improved a lot. Now people have started giving respect to wrestlers.

Me: How do you see cricket vs other games?

Neeraj: First of all congratulations to you for promoting sports apart from cricket. I do not have much problem with cricket, but I must say government should treat every game equally. I will only say every game deserves equal attention.

Me: What are your future plans? How you would like too see your self 5-10 years from now?

Neeraj:I am proud of being the national level for the national team. I am 66 kg. I am going to give my best wishes to the Olympiad and the Commonwealth games will give me a lot of time to join the team.
I would like to win the Gold medal for my Nation.

Me: Do you swing the Jori for practice?

Neeraj: No, I don't do this but I know that it is a best source for improve stamina and grips.

At the end of this post, attattaching few images here with.

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